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"To be Looked at....." 1918 |
Duchamp studies are the terrain of some of the brightest minds writing about art today and his ideas are so universally championed in art academia I am quite fearful of being pilloried or more likely ignored for what will appear to be pedestrian ideas about the subtleties of his thought. I can only deal with this hero of the avant-garde from my own anecdotal experience toiling in the fields of artopia and from an accumulation of observations try to sort out why his influence is probably more pervasive now than ever before. I would have liked to deal with the issue in a more scholarly fashion but am champing at the bit to get to the suffering inflicted by his acolytes on anyone who still believes in painting.
Duchamp’s legacy functions on multiple fronts. But philosophically
it is grounded in the 20th century project to deconstruct representation.
This is not just visual representation to which it is obviously related but
philosophical representation, which believes that the truth of what we
represent gains its validity in the coherence of our consciousness. Originally
that coherence was rooted in the onto- theological ground of God’s
infallibility and humanity being created in the image of God. Later the
work of Descartes places that coherence in the logic of mathematics. Even then
he leaves God in the picture albeit in the background. His famous dictum “Ego Cogito
ergo Sum” translates: Cognition makes me who I am and everything I can think
about gains its validity in the clarity of that cognition, which is most evident
in mathematics. The Baroque through the beginning of the 20th
century is a period of the glory and majesty of Western egoism. I will never forget the segment from
Herzog’s “Aguirre the Wrath of God” where Aguirre the explorer descends the Amazon and lays claim to
everything that he sees from his canoe, although at that point in the film
he is alone and helpless. Perspective, which radiates from a fixed view and its
power to subsume everything in its gaze, is the visual paradigm for this era. Versailles’
s gardens are laid out on a perspectival system radiating from the bed of the
Sun King himself, Louis the XIV.Moreover, it is the canvas and the use of
Chiaroscuro which orders whatever the human eye lays its eyes on. From the use
of the camera obscura in Vermeer and Caravaggio to the study of color theory in
the Impressionists the eye/self brings order to all it sees.
This coherence begins to break down in the late 19th
c and early 20th c with Freud’s theories that put the ego in the
vise of Eros and the superego. The Copernican revolution continues to devolve
man from the center of the universe. Quantum mechanics puts in question the
notion of a fixed reality that we can pin down. If you look at the art world of
the late 19th century (which is on display for the first time in
Paris’s Petit Palais) you see a sort of schizophrenia developing where the
followers of the Salon and Courbet continue the representation of the world
from the perspective of the individual but creeping into the work is a lot of
emotional baggage that is not well contained in the format of realism.
Impressionism is already dissolving that fixed reality and cubism is waiting in
the wings to use Cezanne’s version of Impressionism to create a language that
integrates time and space in a way that leaves one point perspective behind for
good. Duchamp joins this revolution with his “: Nude descending the staircase”. It
is an incredibly masterful treatment of this Heraclitian view of the world, where
nothing stays the same. Unlike Cubists Braque and Picasso who remain within the
tradition of painting on canvas for the rest of their careers, he sees even his
masterpiece as part of the optically based language of western painting that must
be extirpated. The canvas as a mirror to the world and its long reign in
Western art for him has to come to an end. What better artifact to use than
transparent glass as he used in "To look at..."that reflects nothing and captures erotic odds and ends like
amber traps insects. I get the feeling that he is a Bolshevik like Strelnikov in Doctor
Zhivago who wants to destroy all the trappings of Chekovian bourgeois culture. Symptomatically, he is on the right side of
history .Who can look at the images of Sargent’s imperious lords and ladies of
baronial splendor and not feel the ending of an era and moreover a sense of
irrelevance and that the future will be in the hands of those who can
manipulate mass culture like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and FDR.
Several years ago I was recommended for a grant or as a
fellow artist said recommended for a rejection .The only compensation for this
rejection was a gift of a catalogue of the winners. More than half of the
winners were installation artists. That was not the case forty years ago when I
did my graduate work at Yale. The population of students was divided between
the figurative acolytes of Bailey and the minimalist followers of Held.
This shift to installation is abetted by Duchamp’s
preference for the readymade. Here the displacement from the creations of the
individual genius to utilitarian objects made by consensus in factories is
another acknowledgement that we live in a corporate and highly socialized
culture. It is this gesture that sets the stage for installation art where the
artist tries to take the pulse of the culture through the artifacts that it
creates. Warhol is pure Duchampian as well in his preference for images and
objects of mass-production. The unique canvas that had once been the surface on
which the individual acts of authenticity were recorded are now no more than
objects of mechanical reproduction.
What permeates all this art is a kind of hipster ethos
embodied by Warhol’s life which mocks the individual who thinks that the power
of their private consciousness can overcome that fact that they are part of a
larger social structure that manipulates them. I remember attending a lecture
by Robert Longo in North Carolina , which he ended with the statement that on his death bed
his last thought will be to eat at Burger King.
Everything from politics, philosophy and technology
militates against the power of the individual vision expressed on canvas. The
psychic weight of a Caravaggio or a Van Gogh will always have their place in
the museums and attract the melancholy art student lost in the waste land of
modern art. The linguistic turn from Wittgenstein to Tugendhat analyzes
language as a purely social phenomena where meaning is not achieved privately
but in a shared language. The space where meaning was achieved by a
self-conscious bracketing in Husserl is considered a bad faith remnant of
attempts to ground everything in the Cartesian ego. The inextricable web of
technology such as Facebook traps us into a fantasy of individuality which the
system uses to track our habits so as to better exploit us. And in politics
individualism is only a posture assumed by certain politicians who are helpless
to turn back the clock of the every expanding leviathan of the state. In the
theatre of Becket the romantic hero is
reduced to the sadistic and cruel Pozzo .
There is a harsh honesty in the work of Duchamp . He coolly
observes the demise of the bourgeois culture and its preferred vehicle for self-expression,
the canvas and gives the next generation of artist’s tools to use in their
Kulturkampf. That intimate space that we observe from our own self of family friends and objects we care about or
just what it feels to be alive, is nothing compared to the enormous web of
highways, internet, industry and media that we are are wired into. It was first about the death of god and then the death
of the self. Issues of right and wrong only apply to how well we understand the
irrelevancy of our private notions of the self. I think the battle has been won
by the Duchampians not so much through the power of their irony but through a
very scary non-ironic fact that the ties to the individualism of the Renaissance
onward have been forever severed by the mass culture we live in. All Duchamp did was provide a path for the artist to be on the right side of
What Nietzsche said of Christ applies to Duchamp: There was
only one true Christian and he died on the cross. No one except maybe Warhol will
ever match the icy cerebral operations that he enacted. Even in the world of
theatre, Becket his closest parallel seems warm hearted in comparison. His
objects resist being turned into aesthetic objects, which you can’t say for Warhol’s.
Rauschenberg’s deconstructions of the canvas look a little musty to me these
days. In a previous essay on BFA I
commented that the little pasture of Duchamp has expanded into an infinite
steppe including every world class gallery that all show the same exhibit of
political commentary, a photo document on the wall and readymade or found
object on the floor. Greenbergian aesthetics dead-ended in minimalism and Zombie Formalism and
require as much mental contortions to figure out as Duchamp’s.The figurative
resurgence of the late 60’s and 70’s exists in isolated cults in academia
without much affect on the greater culture. So Duchampists have the field to themselves.
That it is an arid infinite steppe, there can be no doubt.”The waste land
I think the tragedy
of Duchampian thinking rests in the following: in his single minded attempt to
destroy painting as a mirror of reality he moved art permanently into a purely social act. Put in the context of late 19thc art his
assault on the canvas as mirror makes a lot of sense but that it should be
enacted ad infinitum as it is by the current Duchampians is absurd. It could
be that the purity of his art objects and their resistance to aesthetic
interpretation remain a lofty goal that each generation of followers aspires
to. It puts a permanent damper on the use of painting as a vehicle for
expressing any great intuitive insights into the shape of our universe as we
saw in Piero de la Francesca and Botticelli in the early Renaissance or Cezanne
and Van Gogh in late Impressionism or Hsia Kuei in the early Sung in China.There
are times to build up and times to take apart.Those who deconstruct have the
wind behind them and the attempts at metaphysics can’t compete.In my readings of Duchamp I
came across a reference to Becket and him playing chess together.I couldn’t
help but think of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
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"Nude Descending a Staircase" |
Note from Paul Rahe:
From "Carl Belz" on "Berkshire Fine Arts"
ReplyDelete07-10-2012, 09:44 am
A solid piece, Martin, hard to argue with in light of the conceptualism pervasive in all current visual art, whether abstract, representational, installation, whatever.
Note from Maxine Yalovitz-Blankenship on Facebook
ReplyDeleteHi Martin,
Maxine Yalovitz-Blankenship commented on your link.
Maxine wrote: "After reading your article I am back to reading Calvin Tompkins biography of Duchamp. 'The Bride ...' looks very different in the real ..."
Barbara Grossman commented on a reference to Duchamp in another article.
Wonderful article…not time to chat but I would say that Duchamp does not inspire so much as gives one permission.
Your observation is astute, makes one wonder about the premise of academic originality. Duchamp is used as an excuse for those who lack faith in themselves. This curating by low self-esteem suggests the need for change.
DeleteMartin, I loved reading this. Interesting that Duchamp always said the Readymade isn't art. I recently wrote a paper (New Art Examiner website) how Duchamp wanted to deny the senses, visuality, to make art about concept, with the consequence that his destroyed his own ability and motivation to make art. Ideas are for literature, they're what we write down. Vision is the realm of images. Vision contains a depth of meaning that falls outside of an intellectual context and cannot be expressed as an idea but communicates in a visual language. That totally changes the ball game.
ReplyDeletePierre Breton wrote of the Readymade in the Surrealist Dictionary; “the artist’s choice elevates common objects to the dignity of a work of art”. He signed it MD but Breton wrote those words and Duchamp himself disagreed. Today, in huge numbers of peer-reviewed trials worldwide, the artist’s choice fails to elevate common objects to the dignity of a work of art. A stack of wet broken sticks at the Canadian art pavilion in Venice remain wet broken sticks; no art appears. Even if King Canute returned telling those sticks to be art, the sticks would stick, they would not budge. A pile of trash at Luhring Augustine remained trash for weeks no matter how often the artist came by to elevate it to dignity. Huffed. Puffed. No art. No dignity.
My good friend the late artist Larry Deyab knew a house painter who painted Duchamp's apartment in NYC.He told Larry it was full of Matisse's. It were as though Duchamp was smarter than his acolyte's. On another thread on my latest Zombie Formalism article, Dennis Hollingsworth refers to Alfred Jarry as wanting to destroy the sun to expose other suns.I guess we are still waiting for the new suns and all we have is darkness.
DeleteI read he also had a collection of Brancusi bronzes he sold over the years allowing to live decently. Your inventing the term Zombie Formalism is totally cool, it well describes what happened when, as Rob Storr said, the art world move from the Cedar Tavern to the seminar room.
Deletereturned to chat... the 20th century project to deconstruct representation including philosophical deconstruction is likely based on the idea that autopsy informs us of the parts and the whole, but of course autopsy is performed on a corpse. Each decade brings us more complex problems and repeatedly our philosophers have offered "self-loathing" as the solution; the failure to ground existence and being in a validity of the individual leads to the postmo belief of the inadequacy of the self, a neurosis better recognized and left behind.
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere the "like" button on FB hits at the essence of their success.The need of people to be liked. The idea came from Rene Girard and was handed down to Peter Thiel. No longer any worry of being right or wrong as long as you are liked.Just a press of the button. The idea is to go beyond self-loathing. A puddle of self-love.
DeleteI think I found an argument that invalidates postmodernism, in that it ignores the unconscious mind, believing that "the truth of what we represent gains its validity in the coherence of our consciousness." The flaw is in the conscious mind’s consistent ability to fool itself. Deconstruction invalidates the ocular and the optical, the beautiful and fascinating, replacing it with a counter-aesthetic as the hottest thing. But the senses are the grammar and syntax of visual art and in denying them one empties art of attributes, so that, unable to defend itself, poor art ends up enslaved by justice warriors who use it as political illustration.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reviving this blog already more than 5 years old. That there is a syntax and grammar to the visual is not known by the millennials and the Boomers for that matter and whatever that generation that comes in between. The chiaroscuro used by Caravaggio and defining painting until the end of the 19th c was a powerful tool for the individual to define their space and time. OK it was a bourgeois tool for them to describe their possessions and environment. But it freed the individual from the group think of the Medieval! The decons want us to be totally defined by language and language is a shared medium.